

A 40 Day Online Meditative Qigong Journey & Autumnal Celebration with BenJahmin

Monday 11th November to Friday 20th December 2024

This offering is deeply rooted within the need for us as human beings to slow down, relax, replenish and find a deeper meditative connection with the evenings of these dark nights running up to Winter. 
I felt no better way to celebrate this Autumnal season than sharing the meditative need of that sweet, inner sanctuary with anyone who wishes to join me. 
The darkness of these nights are now asking us to slooooowwww right down and align to the hibernating energy that the rest of nature is embracing.  

This offering will involve a commitment of 40 minutes of seated Qigong practice every weekday starting from Monday 11th November to Friday 20th December. 
These meditative gatherings will deeply nurture connection, community, accountability and the precious need to simply slow down into the sweetness of the moment. 
The Autumn season requires a connection to the energy of sweetness and the root of stillness. 
This is represented within nature by the food that grows underground and that provides the nourishing sweet essence that balances the excessive air quality within nature. 
Within Ayurveda this all about balancing and harmonising the Vata quality of life which is aggravated with too much stress, busyness and denying the request of nature to SLOW DOWN, relax and take stock of the year.

This promises to be a truly uplifting, nurturing and relaxing 40 day journey together. The seated Qigong practices we will be engaging with are deeply meditative and involve the holding of certain postures within stillness. This guides the Qi into specific areas of the body which leads to a gathering of energy deeply rooted in the body. Bringing about the DEEP REST that the body is asking from each and every one of us. 

Over the 40 days we will work each week with a certain organ and element within the body.
We will also be working with specific sounds from the Daoist traditions to harmonise the relevant organ of each week.
Each week will come with an introduction video to the relevant practice and organ to harness a deeper understanding of what we are engaging in.

1st Week – Earth/ Spleen
2nd Week – Water/ Kidneys
3rd Week – Wood/ Liver
4th Week – Fire/ Heart
5th Week – Metal (Air)/ Lungs
6th Week – Ether/ Triple Burner

The seated Qigong practices will be from Monday to Friday each week at 18.30 UK Time and will run for around 45 minutes.
The 40 day will take us all the way up to the 20th December and complete the nourishing journey at the time of the Winter Solstice.

No experience is necessary as they are very simple seated practices but very powerful in harnessing Qi and restoring the body’s energy field.

Nourishing the heart, mind and body of each and every one of us within a communal cyber setting. Guiding us all together towards the Christmas Season within a unified healing field of peace, serenity and harmony.

All of the online sharing each day are LIVE via ZOOM and are recorded and uploaded to the KUNDALIONZ App to be accessed when the time suits you schedule.

The investment for the 40 day online sharing is as follows.
The ZOOM links for the online offering will be shared once payment is made.

One payment of £108 (payment before the 40 days begins)

All of this will be shared via the latest KUNDALIONZ App every Monday to Friday at 18.30 UK Time. 
The Zoom sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the KUNDALIONZ App for those who are unable to make that particular days gathering or time zone. So you will never miss a session!


*Access to the KUNDALIONZ App & Web App for all of the 40 day content and recordings. This can be accessed on a phone (iPhone & Android), iPad or laptop via the KUNDALIONZ Web App.

* For 40 days an evening seated Qigong and Daoist sound practice via Zoom running every Monday to Friday at 18.30 UK TIME. All of the sessions are recorded for your access at any time via the KUNDALIONZ App.

* At the end of the 40 days you will receive a Gift from myself to Celebrate Christmas and our 40 days sharing together.

To join this 40 day sharing please use the button below to make the investment of £108.

You will have to sign up to the KUNDALIONZ APP before making payment

If you wish to make an investment plan of 2 payments of £60 over two months then please use the button below.

Once payment is made then you will receive further information by Saturday 9th November.

Only Love

One Love
