
About KundaLionz

My name is BenJahmin and KUNDALIONZ has been created as an expression of love for the sharing of Yogic Wisdom and Knowledge in service to realising One’s True Nature and Self.

First and foremost what is KUNDALIONZ?

KUNDALIONZ is a community based project for sharing the wisdom of the yogic teachings of different traditions in the form of an online presence.

The word ‘Kundal’, taken from the word Kundalini, translates as coil and represents the inherent power and potential within every human being. Often referred to as the Golden Ratio and seen manifested in nature as a snail shell, a DNA helix, a brewing storm in the sky or a galaxy far out in space.

The Lionz is a representation of a ‘pride’ of individuals who come together in courage and unity to share the journey of yogic discovery of One’s True Nature.

The Lion is also deeply connected to my own personal ‘spiritual journey’ being rooted and grounded in Rastafari and the energy of Jah Lion.

KUNDALIONZ, being a play on the word of Kundalini, has an intent of tapping into this inherent potential and power through many different yogic traditions and teachings.


The wisdom and knowledge within KUNDALIONZ is rooted and based in 25 years experience of esoteric discovery, meditation, yoga practice and life expressed through various traditions, cultures and faiths including Ayurveda, Buddhist meditation, Chinese Medicine, Kundalini Yoga, Martial Arts, Music, Naad Yoga, Rastafarian culture and practice, Shakti Dance, Shamanic practice, Tai Chi and Zen Self Enquiry.

The Hearts Intent of KUNDALIONZ is to encapsulate this wisdom and knowledge derived from the past 25 years into the format of an online presence, expressed in a multitude of forms that aim to uplift and inspire your yogic discovery of One’s True Nature and Self.

The forms of expression are live online classes, professionally recorded tutorials of yoga practices, meditations and teachings, written word inspiration, spontaneous sharing through live-streaming, musical offerings and so, so much more.

KUNDALIONZ is a ‘labour of love’ and in service to all those who feel inspired to search for truth and the reality of existence.

It is important to understand that KUNDALIONZ is an attempt at an Aquarian model of truth and sharing. KUNDALIONZ will evolve and grow as the Kollective ‘common-unity’ develops, assisted by the response and feedback received.

I an I do not wish to be ‘on a pedestal’ but as an equal human being in the discovery of the immensity of love, joy and life through the practice of the yogic teachings.

I an I am fully aware of the teachers role, having been in it for fifteen years as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and Lead Trainer for I-SKY (International School of Kundalini Yoga).

KUNDALIONZ aims is to support, nurture and nourish your life’s expression and assist it into its full potential and being.

Let us discover Unity together.

Let us discover the One as One.

Let us discover as KUNDALIONZ

Only Love

One Love

